Union Information and Service Center is a state-of-the-art information technology center (telecentre) based on information technology established in the Union Council with the objective of ensuring information services at the doorsteps of grassroots people. From this center people of rural areas can easily get information and necessary services based on life and livelihood in a familiar environment near their homes.
On November 11, 2010, the Prime Minister inaugurated all the Union Information and Service Centers (UISCs) across the country via video conference from his office and from the Char Kukrimukri Union of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Administrator and former Prime Minister of New Zealand Miss Helen Clark Volazella. About 4 million people are receiving information and services from these centers every month. With the easy, fast and low cost access to public and private services through UISC, the quality of life of the local people has started to change drastically.
The journey of UISC started with the slogan 'Service at Doorsteps'. The establishment of UISC has made it possible to create a free flow of information in every sphere of society and state system, where people do not have to go door to door for service, but the service is reaching the doorsteps of the people. Free flow of information is one of the prerequisites for people's empowerment. The establishment of 4,501 Union Parishad Information and Service Centers in the country has facilitated access to information and services in the fastest time, including participation of the rural people in the free flow of information.
A UISC has multiple computers and related materials, which have been and are being installed in phases to ensure better information services to the public in the area. With a minimum stabilizer, a computer, a black and white printer, a color printer, a modem for on-line communication, a scanner, a digital camera, a UISC can be started initially. However the following materials are required for full UISC management -
Multiple computers (desktop)
1 Tilliptop
1 multimedia projector with big screen
1 laser printer
1 color printer
1 modem
1 scanner machine
1 photocopy machine
1 digital camera
1 webcam
Depending on the local demand, some UISCs may have more or less surcharges.
The Union Information and Service Center is based on the PPP (Public-Private-People's Partnership) model. Each UISC has two local young entrepreneurs, one male and one female. These entrepreneurs run UISC. In some centers, one woman and one man entrepreneur as well as one woman and one man are working as 'alternative entrepreneurs'. Entrepreneurs are not paid employees of UISC, the income of each UISC is the entrepreneur's income.
UISCs are being run under the leadership of Local Government Department. Other activities are carried out under the direction of the Cabinet Department and under the management of the local administration, including the supervision of the UISC. The training comes from LGD and Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) for UISC's required ICT equipment and training to enhance the skills of entrepreneurs. In addition, the BCC has provided solar panels to 1,013 powerless unions and brought all the union councils of the country under electricity. In addition, a number of banks-insurance companies, mobile companies, NGOs, educational research institutes, hardware-software associations, etc. are joining hands with UIAC with their services, new skills and technical assistance.
UAMS BioISC Activity Management System:
An online software called UISC Program Management or ‘UAMS’ (http://www.e-service.gov.bd/uams/) has been developed to assist UISC entrepreneurs in accounting for income and follow-up of local administration. UISC entrepreneurs upload their daily income information here.
Blog (uiscbd.ning.com):
The UISC Blog (uiscbd.ning.com) is designed for entrepreneurs to interact with each other, establish relationships and communicate with entrepreneurs through local administration officials. The blog is a powerful online platform for 9,002 entrepreneurs from 4,501 UISCs across the country, where entrepreneurs need to share experiences, identify problems and find solutions, work together, work hand-in-hand with local administrations, and even when needed. Having the opportunity to discuss with policy makers.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS